Thursday, March 18, 2010

Calorie Counter

So I have a new application on my phone that is AMAZING. I have the Droid Eris and downloaded the application for free. It's called "Calorie Counter." It's great because it calculated my Recommended Daily Intake (calories) for my weight, age, gender, and how much weight I am trying to lose. I can separate meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks) and see how many calories, fat grams, carbs, etc. are in each meal and in each day! The greatest feature is the "Barcode Scanner" which allows me to use my phone to scan barcodes of the food I am eating. It's crazy! I can scan Publix yogurt, bread, milk, or whatever else has a barcode. It then fills in all of the nutritional information for me. So easy!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Baby Weight: It's been fun, but you gotta go!

Losing weight after a baby is hard--you can't take a magic pill or get on a miracle diet like NutriSystem if you are breastfeeding. Time to exercise is scarce. Also, you just spent 9 months getting your body this way!

I gained A LOT of weight while pregnant! I'm not going to discuss the numbers (too soon, too soon!) but let's just say it was more than is recommended and much more than I expected! I am a runner and have always had that on my side. Before pregnancy, if I felt a few extra pounds, it wasn't anything a few days of running couldn't fix. I had NO idea that pregnancy would limit my physical activity so much! During the first trimester, I was extremely exhausted. Extremely. I jogged a little bit, but not much since I was both tired and concerned about the possibility of losing my child. I started to put on weight right away. The nurse at my OB/GYN's office even put me on the scale and said "Wow, I hope you don't do that every time" (referencing my recent weight gain). The nerve!! During the second trimester, I exercised a good amount. By the third trimester, I was again exhausted! I can't even really explain it. Not one person ever told me that I would be tired! Looking back now, I don't even remember it that well.

Well, here we are 4 1/2 months after my daughter's arrival. I have 10-15 more pounds to lose to be at my "perfect" weight. I'm pretty proud of the progress I've made so far, and if you knew the numbers, you would be too! :) Some of the weight loss is probably because of breastfeeding. I am still breastfeeding and plan on continuing to do so for at least a few more months. It has been said that breastfeeding burns approximately 500 calories per day (which is really not much at all in the whole scheme of things). I have also implemented a diet and exercise program. I found my diet here. This diet works well for me because it has tasty choices and variety. And it's easy! I don't feel like I'm dieting or missing out. Sometimes I can't stick to it 100% because of eating out or family gatherings, but it works well enough. A few days ago, I installed a calorie counter application on my phone. It's AMAZING! I can input (and even scan the barcode of) my foods, select my amounts of exercise, and it tells my my net calories for the day! It also tracks my weight. I'm obsessed with it! For exercise, I have been doing the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. This DVD is out of control! It's great though because it only cost me $10 at Target, and all I needed to have to do it was a mat and hand weights. It only takes about 25 minutes to do and it is a WORK OUT. I have also been jogging, although not as frequently as I would like (me+cold weather=staying inside).

The great thing is that I am making significant progress. I feel good and I think I can see my pre-pregnancy body under there! I recommend finding something simple that fits into your life and schedule. Going to the gym doesn't make sense for me because I have the baby at all times. But I can put her in the jogger, or take 25 minutes during her nap to complete my DVD workout. Eating right is a given: She needs it and that's the only reasoning I need!

My main motivation? I don't want to be that woman who says "Oh, I wish I had the body I had before I got pregnant" or "I just won't ever be able to lose that last 15 pounds." I want to be healthy. I want my husband and daughter to be proud of my appearance. And I want to be a hot mommy!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Secret to Happiness: Scheduling

We were in church this past Sunday when Macy started being loud. (We don't take her to the nursery yet... maybe I'll touch on that in another post!) I say she was being "loud" because she was not crying, just making all of her trying-to-talk noises. I took her to the breast-feeding room. My church is awesome--they have a room with a one-way mirror that is to be used to feed, comfort, and change your baby during service so mommies don't have to miss anything! So I was feeding Macy and began chatting with two other moms. It turns out that my four month old is a rarity because she sleeps through the night. These mothers LOOKED tired. One had a two month old and one had a nine month old. Both said that each of their children wake every 2-3 hours! They asked what my secret was and here it is: I have her on a sleeping schedule (I don't have her on a strict feeding schedule throughout the day since Macy happens to be more of a snacker). Now I know it's not exactly that simple, but that's most of it. Macy has her last feeding at 10PM every night and is then put to bed. This means that I do not feed her for a couple of hours leading up to bedtime. This way, she is hungry and then after I feed her, she is full, content, and either sleepy or sleeping. She wakes between 6AM and 8AM and before she can truly wake up, I feed her again. She then goes right back to sleep! I keep her up most of the day once she wakes up again. I make sure to play with her a lot. She plays on her back, on her tummy, in her walker, etc. I wear her out! She takes a nap around 2PM and sometimes takes 20 minute naps throughout the day. What does all of this mean? That I get HUBBY-time around 10PM (so we can watch our recordings of The Bachelor and other shows and just enjoy each other). I get ME-time around 2PM. And I get PLENTY of rest since I sleep a lot when Macy sleeps. I put her on a loose schedule early. And though it isn't foolproof with the onset of teething, immunizations, and other not-so-fun stuff, it works for the most part. And I don't look like death from lack of sleep!

Tips for getting your little one to sleep:
Make sure the crib is used for sleeping only and that it is associated with positive things (I don't put Macy in the crib and leave her there to cry (the Ferber Method)... for some reason, that's popular now and I don't like it!).

Put your child to sleep with a full belly.

Don't over-clothe your baby. Parents think babies should be loaded with blankets and clothes. I've found that my daughter's perfect temperature is in a thin body suit onesie (the ones with the feet built in so I don't have to worry about socks falling off) and a regular blanket (not super thin, not super thick). I've read that good rules are if their hands are slightly cold or just one layer more than our comfort level. Macy sleeps soundly when she isn't too hot.

Go for a walk or a drive.

Put your baby in a swing on a low setting with music.

Don't be afraid to let your baby sleep in the carrier (Macy spent MANY nights in her carrier in the first two months because it was where she was most comfortable. I think she felt like she was swaddled and safe.)

Get him/her on a schedule and don't freak out if it isn't at an exact time. You are just looking to instill consistency and a sense of time! Sometimes Macy is sleepy at 9:30 and sometimes she is too excited to fall asleep until 10:45. But she knows it is bedtime and that's the important thing. While I am a stay-at-home mom and realize that I have time luxuries that working moms do not have, getting your child on a schedule can only help a working mom! This way, Mommy, Daddy, and Baby are all happy!